Bernache Family Album
Posted 9/20/2005 |
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1949-ParkBench.jpg 1949 - New Bedford park bench with neighbors. Mom is holding Phillip and Normand is sitting in the middle of the bench in a white sunsuit. |
1956Contois(Lillian-Bill-Ricky-Billy).jpg | 8 Macomber Clambake.jpg Pepere Bernache and Leo Savard. Back to us on bench: Memere Bernache, Bernice, Matante Ermine, Other side of bench; Delores Savard and Jeannette |
8 Macomber Clambake(Ermine, Memere, Bernice).jpg Matante Ermine , Memere Bernache(Leduc) and Bernice at 8 Macomber Ave. (facing southeast) |
8 Macomber Clambake(Jeannete&children).jpg Backyard picnic at 8 Macomber Ave. (facing south) Believe people are (l-r) Normand, Caludette, Phillip, Jeannette (back to camera), Matante Ermine (light head scarf facing Jeannette), Bernice (dark hair behind arm), Memere Bernache is next to Bernice but cannot be seen. Delores Savard standing. |
8 Macomber Cornfield.jpg Lillian, a friend, and Bernice in backyard 8 Macomber Ave. N. Dartmouth. Notice corn in backyard. |
8 Macomber- Eating watermelon.jpg Bernice, Lillian and Raymond eating watermelon. Ray is making horns behind Bernice's head. Scene is facing east towards Macomber Ave. The house is out of the photos on right. The building seen is across the road. |
8 Macomber-Working in the garden.jpg Bernice, Pepere, and Lillian working in the garden at 8 Macomber Ave, N. Dartmouth MA. |
AliceMarcotte-BelvilleRd.jpg Alice Marcotte on front step at Belville Road, New Bedford MA |
AliceMarcotte-inLivingroom.jpg Alice Marcotte in her livingroom. |
Beatrice-inSnow.jpg | Bedroom-Patterson.jpg Phillip, Bernadette (in crib), Claudette and Normand, in our "roomy" bedroom. |
Bernache-M&P-Children-1957.jpg Normand, Pepere(Eugene Albert), Memiere(Alida), Raymond, Lillian, & Bernice |
Bernadette&Claudette(Patterson).jpg Bernadette and Claudette on the sofa in Patterson, NJ. |
Bernadette&Phil-Paterson.jpg Bernadatte and Phillip at 102 E. 23rd St. Paterson, NJ. |